Summer of Service


Every summer, YVCHR offers camps for youth (ages 11-18)! Each session includes icebreakers, team-builders and service-learning lessons. Youth spend their days being physically active, learning about the needs of their community, developing important career-readiness and life skills, and interacting with other service-minded individuals…all while making a positive impact!

Check back for updates regarding our 2025 camp sessions!


2024 Highlights

  • 9 summer camp sessions

    • 5 on the Peninsula

    • 4 on the Southside

  • +21 episodic projects!

  • 186 youth volunteers

  • 2,893 hours of service

  • 23 community partners


2023 Highlights

“Flat Pat” joined us in 2023, encouraging youth throughout the summer to “Volunteer for 15!” We are truly grateful for the support of 15 and the Mahomies, a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of children. The Foundation was established by NFL MVP, Kansas City Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes in 2019 and supports initiatives that focus on health, wellness, communities in need of resources and other charitable causes. Volunteer for 15 is a partnership between 15 and the Mahomies and Youth Volunteer Corps to encourage youth ages 11-18 to volunteer 15 hours. There are so many cool benefits to volunteering, like learning to understand people who are different, respecting others, being helpful and kind, and developing leadership skills.

2021 Highlights

With the help of our amazing youth volunteers, Youth Volunteer Corps of Hampton Roads served 6 Agencies and organized 29 projects this past summer ! We accounted a total of 1,439 hours dedicated to different focus areas such as - Compassionate Communities, Education, Healthy Liefstyles, and STEM & Environment ! We look forward to future projects and community building opportunities that are upon us this upcoming Fall and Winter !

2020 Highlights

Despite COVID-19, we successfully offered five summer sessions for youth volunteers in 2020! With increased safety measures, youth volunteers collectively served 668 hours, with each community partner addressing specific needs in Hampton Roads. We are especially grateful to our host organizations, as well as to those who generously give in support of our ongoing programming efforts.

Masks on. Hearts open. Summer 2020.

Collage of Highlights Summer of Service Postcard.png

2019 Highlights
